Cannabis Club For Medical Use

It is called by different names in different places like marijuana, hemp, plan etc. Cannabis comes or derived from hemp. Hashish which is also called cannabis honey comes from cannabis which comes from hemp. It is much more effective than marijuana. Cannabis is a name given to drug received from hemp that can be hashish or marihuana.Hemp is derived from flowers, seeds and other parts of cannabis plant. Marihuana and hashish both are of different color while marihuana is of tan or green color hashish is of brown or black shade. Marihuana and hashish both have different smell at the time when inhaled as a smoke. Marihuana is almost illegal through out the world. It is also the popular drug among the masses. The rate of intake of these drugs is increasing at rapid rate. Every year there is almost five percent increases in people smoking marihuana. Like alcohol marihuana is also found in the drivers blood in most of the accident cases. It also makes people addicted to it rapidly.There are many people who came for the therapies in the medical institutions who are addicted to it. There are also methods available for people who are addicted to these and want to quit them. There are different methods used by people for the intake of different drugs like marihuana, marijuana, cannabis are inhaled by inhaling its smoke by cigarettes or through pipes. These can be inhaled using cigars. Some people replace the filling of tobacco present in cigars with marihuana or hemp or some times mix them with other materials for more influence.Youngsters are mainly trying this cannabis for the first time just for fun with their friends which then attract them and made them addicted. At the starting you feel like it makes you stress free and help you to come out of tension but after some time it starts affecting your body as well as your brain. It starts controlling your brain and you will become lazy and never interested in doing the work that you must do. So keeping in mind all its negative points you can come out of its addiction.