Youth Bows The Mini Genesis Bows For The Young Archers!

By Jennifer Walterscheit

The mini Genesis bows for the young archers!

The new set of mini genesis bows is set to cater to the children and young archers who love to learn about this hobby. With the zero percentage of let off and no specified draw length, kids can truly grow with these genesis bows.

Easy and lightweight

One of the differentiating aspects of the mini genesis bows compared to the others in the market is that there is no standard draw length. Compared to many other brands that come with specific draw lengths in the mini genesis bows there is no standard length. This means the kids can adjust the draw length as per what is convenient to them and then start shooting. The light weight of the genesis bows also contributes to ease of use. These bows come at just 2 pounds and hence these mini versions are perfect for kids starting out with archery.

Zero percentage let off


The other distinguishing aspect about the mini genesis bows is that there is no let off whatsoever. This enables young children to easily pull the string using the fingers when release happens. This enables an easy and accurate shot as well.

Growing with it

The ability to draw the mini genesis bows to a wide spectrum of lengths means that kids can grow with these bows. By adjusting draw lengths based on convenience kids can continue using these bows well into their adulthood.

Scaled fitting

The mini versions of the genesis bows have been scaled to size so that they can easily be maneuvered by smaller framed children as well. The adjustable drawing weight spans a wide range from 6 to even 12 pounds. The mini versions of the genesis bows can be used by even pre-school children who are interested in learning archery. The light weight design enables easy shots and prevents chances of fatigue in children.


The mini genesis bows feature an axle length spanning 29 and 1/8th inches. These bows come with a brace height spanning 6 and 1/8th inches. The draw weight is easily adjustable and ranges from 6 to even 12 pounds. The spectrum of draw length extends anywhere between 14 to 25 inches. The mass weight of these mini genesis bows is just 2 pounds which makes them very light in weight. The bows come with a cable guard made of carbon and come in nice flavors of black licorice, red cherry, camo and blue raspberry. The string length is around 77 and 11/16 inches and the cable length comes at 30 and 13/16 inches.


The mini genesis bows are a fantastic way to initiate children into the fabulous world of archery. The special features and ease of use enable children of all ages to easily master techniques and tricks. The light weight design, variable draw length and zero percentage let off are all conducive to easy adaptation to school and group programs. The variable draw length and adjustable framework enable kids of all abilities and sizes to easily maneuver the mini genesis bows.

About the Author: Eagle Archery has a wide selection of

Genesis Bows


Youth Bows

. Check us out online for our entire collection of

Genesis Bows



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